Founder & CEO Will Cheng Wei of Didi Chuxing, China's largest ride-hailing company | The leading source of data, research, information & resource for financial professionals, investment managers, professional investors, family offices & advisors to institutions, billionaires, UHNWs & HNWs. Covering capital markets, investments and private wealth in Asia. How do you invest $3 million to $300 million? How do you manage $20 million to $3 billion of assets? Caproasia - Learn more

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Didi Chuxing IPO Creates 2 New Self-Made Billionaires, Founder Will Cheng Wei with $7 Billion

11th June 2021 | Hong Kong

Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing service, has filed for IPO in the United States in what could potentially value the company at around $100 billion and creating 2 new self-made billionaires in CEO & founder Will Cheng Wei ($7 billion), President Jean Liu Qing ($1.7 billion).  Didi Chuxing’s former rival in China and now key shareholder (12.8% shareholder) Uber is listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and has a market capitalization of $93 billion (11/6/21).  In 2018, Didi Chuxing was valued at $56 billion and in 2019, valued at $62 billion in private market. (The IPO terms has yet to be released, which will provide the IPO price range, capital raised and any further share-dilution). 

” 2 New Self-Made Billionaires, Founder Will Cheng Wei with $7 Billion “


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At $100 billion valuation, Will Cheng Wei with $7 billion

Founder & CEO Will Cheng Wei of Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing company

At $100 billion valuation, Will Cheng Wei will become another self-made billionaire in China with $7 billion in share value.  President Jean Liu Qing, who is the daughter Lenovo founder Liu Chuan Zhi, will have $1.7 billion in share value.

At $100 billion valuation:

  • Softbank Vision Fund 21.5% – $21.5 billion
  • Uber 12.8% – $12.8 billion
  • Tencent 6.8% – $6.8 billion
  • Will Cheng Wei 7% – $7 billion
  • Jean Liu Qing 1.7% – $1.7 billion

Didi Chuxing largest institutional shareholders include Softbank Vision Fund (21.5%), Uber (12.8%) and Tencent (6.8%).  Didi Chuxing’s leadership team also owns 8.7% shareholding with CEO & founder Will Cheng Wei owning 7% and President Jean Liu Qing owning 1.7% 


The around $100 billion valuation of Didi Chuxing is hypothetical and final IPO terms will be dependant on the IPO methodology, investment terms and structure, market conditions, and not withstanding further share-dilution possibilities for the share value of Will Cheng Wei and Jean Liu Qing.  The hypothetical $100 billion valuation was derived from a range of $80 billion to $110 billion, based on available analysts reports, previous private market valuation, industry player (Uber), positive sentiments in investing in China and in the largest technology companies. 


Didi Chuxing Founded in 2012

Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing company

CEO & founder Will Cheng Wei founded Beijing Orange Technology in 2012 and launched Didi Dache, a taxi-hailing app. In 2015, Didi Dache merged with rival Kuaidi Dache to become Didi Chuxing.  In 2016, Didi Chuxing acquired Uber China, with Uber exiting China and become a shareholder of Didi Chuxing with 12.8% shareholding.

Today, Didi Chuxing is China’s largest ride-hailing service and is led by President Jean Liu Qing, CEO & founder Will Cheng Wei and COO Stephen Zhu Jingshi.   In 2020, Didi Chuxing reported $21.6 billion in revenue and $1.6 billion in net loss.  For the first 3 months of 2021 ending 31st March, Didi Chuxing reported $6.4 billion revenue, net income of $800 million and adjusted EBITA of $800 million.

The IPO filing was made under Didi Chuxing formal name, Xiaoju Kuaizhi on the 10th of June 2021.  Xiaoju Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Beijing and launched the DiDi Dache app in June; Kuaizhi Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Hangzhou and launched the Kuaidi Dache app in May. Both companies provided online taxi-hailing services.


Didi Chuxing IPO

President Jean Liu Qing of Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing company

The IPO will likely be on either New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ.  The underwriters are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan and China Renaissance. The IPO filing was made under Didi Chuxing formal name, Xiaoju Kuaizhi on the 10th of June 2021.

Uber is listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and has a market capitalization of $93 billion (11/6/21).  In 2018, Didi Chuxing was valued at $56 billion and in 2019, valued at $62 billion in private market.


Note – Correction of Shareholdings and Valuation

At first release of Didi Chuxing IPO on, we have mistakenly used data of voting power, instead of equity ownership, in calculating the share value of Will Cheng Wei, Jean Liu Qing, that had increased the value of their shares.  We were notified of the error and have amended the hypothetical share value of Will Cheng Wei and Jean Liu Qing.  Dependant on the terms of the IPO, Will Cheng Wei and Jean Liu Qing shareholding / equity ownership may also change. Below is the correct equity ownership interests of Will Cheng Wei and Jean Liu Qing.  

We apologise for producing the shareholding in error and for affected parties or investors in using this information.  We also thank our readers and the party who contacted us for notifying us on the error. 

Voting Power

  • Will Cheng Wei – 15.4%
  • Jean Liu Qing – 6.7%
  • Stephen Zhu Jingshi -2.3%

Equity Ownership

  • Will Cheng Wei – 7%
  • Jean Liu Qing – 1.7%

The around $100 billion valuation of Didi Chuxing is hypothetical and final IPO terms will be dependant on the IPO methodology, investment terms and structure, market conditions, and not withstanding further share-dilution possibilities for the share value of Will Cheng Wei and Jean Liu Qing.  The hypothetical $100 billion valuation was derived from a range of $80 billion to $110 billion, based on available analysts reports, previous private market valuation, industry player (Uber), positive sentiments in investing in China and in the largest technology companies. 





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