Susan Soh Schroders Co-Head of Asia Pacific and Singapore CEO | The leading source of data, research, information & resource for financial professionals, investment managers, professional investors, family offices & advisors to institutions, billionaires, UHNWs & HNWs. Covering capital markets, investments and private wealth in Asia. How do you invest $3 million to $300 million? How do you manage $20 million to $3 billion of assets? Caproasia - Learn more

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$785 Billion Asset Manager Schroders Appoints Susan Soh as Head of Schroders APAC, Chris Durack Departs for Family

5th August 2021 | Hong Kong

Schroders, one of the world’s leading asset manager with more than $785 billion assets, has appointed Susan Soh as the new Head of Schroders Asia-Pacific from November 2021.  In 2020, Schroders had appointed Susan Soh and Chris Durack as Schroders Co-Heads of Asia-Pacific.  Due to a change in Co-Head of Asia-Pacific Chris Durack’s family health circumstances that prevents Chris from relocating to Asia from Australia, he will be stepping down from Schroders, and departing in October 2021 to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities.

“ $785 Billion Asset Manager Schroders Appoints Susan Soh as Head of Schroders APAC “


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Chris Durack, 10 Years at Schroders

Chris Durack, Schroders Co-Head Asia Pacific

Chris Durack has been with Schroders for 10 years (2011 – 2021), joining from one of Australia’s oldest superannuation fund SAS Trustee Corporation (State Super), where he was the CEO.

Chris spent the last 10 years at Schroders, and is now holding the role of Co-Head of Asia-Pacific at Schroders, which is one of the world’s leading asset manager with more than $785 billion assets.


Susan Soh, New Head of Schroders Asia-Pacific

Susan Soh Schroders Co-Head of Asia Pacific and Singapore CEO

Susan Soh, who is the current Schroder Co-Head of Asia-Pacific, will assume her new role as Head of Schroders Asia-Pacific in November 2021.  Susan had been with Schroders for 16 years, joining as Head of Distribution for Singapore in 2005 and was appointed as CEO of Singapore in 2 years. 

Susan Soh has more than 20 years of experience in the asset management industry and institutional businesses, including Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank in her early career, and the last 16 years at Schroders.


Lieven Debruyne Schroders Global Head of Distribution
Lieven Debruyne, Schroders Global Head of Distribution: 

“Chris has driven a strong focus on client outcomes through the development of business and people strategy. We continue to see growth opportunities and progress in the APAC region.

With a complete leadership team in place, Susan is well placed to assume full responsibility for the region and take the business to the next stage of growth. I would like to thank Chris for his significant contributions to the business and wish him all the best for the future.”


Peter Harrison Schroders Group CEO
Peter Harrison, Schroders Group CEO:

“Chris leaves Schroders with a track record of success in the roles he has held over the last decade.

As Co-head of Asia Pacific, his focus on collaboration and greater inclusion across the leadership teams in the region has helped to ensure cultural and strategic settings for the ongoing success of our business and our clients.” 


Chris Durack, Schroders Co-Head Asia Pacific
Chris Durack, Schroders Co-Head of Asia-Pacific:

“During my decade long tenure at Schroders, I have had the privilege of working with and learning from great colleagues and clients for which I am hugely grateful.

Schroders remains extremely well positioned to capture growth opportunities and I wish the business every success for the future.”


Caproasia financial media extends our well-wishes to Chris Durack & family.




About Schroders

As a global active asset manager, the way we direct capital not only shapes the financial returns we achieve for our clients but also the impact that the companies in which we invest on their behalf might have on society. The relationship between these two outcomes has rapidly evolved as we see a fundamental shift in how companies are viewed and valued. Understanding the impact that they can have on society and the planet is crucial in assessing their ability to deliver risk-adjusted profits.

Our ongoing success is built on a history of experience and expertise, whereby we partner with our clients to construct innovative products and solutions across our five business areas consisting of Private Assets & Alternatives, Solutions, Mutual Funds, Institutional and Wealth Management and invest in a wide range of assets and geographies. By combining our commitment to active management and focus on sustainability, our strategic capabilities are designed to deliver positive outcomes for our clients.

We are responsible for £574.4 billion (€641.7 billion/$785.1 billion 31/12/20) assets of our clients, managed locally by 42 investment teams worldwide. As a global business with over 5,500 talented staff across 35 locations, we are able to stay close to our clients and understand their needs. We have over 200 years of experience in investment and innovation


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