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Foreword: Family Office in a Changing World

The World is Changing

With or without COVID-19 pandemic, the world is changing.  


1) The Change of Global Leadership & The Biggest Wealth Transfer

The old leaders of the world have stepped down, passing onto the next generation of global leaders.   Some call this the new world order.   The old leaders of the world are also the last surviving generation (Age 80s to 90s) who went through World War II, and are the key architects of United Nations & International Monetary Fund (1945) – all of which set the foundation (1950s to 2010s) for a more stable international government relationships that supported global collaboration, international trades, stable banking and financial system, and economic growth that created what is possible today:  The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History. 

- Article continues below -

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23rd July Hong Kong | 25th July Singapore

Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Boutique Funds, Private Markets & more. Taking place on 23rd July 2024 in Hong Kong, 25th July 2024 in Singapore.
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The 2024 Family Office Summit
16th Oct Hong Kong | 23rd Oct Singapore

Join 80 single family offices & family office professionals in Hong Kong & Singapore
Links: 2024 Family Office Summit | Register here


2) Shift in Global Landscape 

Today, we face the shift in global landscape not only from political and trade differences, but on climate change, technology evolution, an educated generation, the biggest wealth transfer in history, growing economic power and influence of China (a power not seen since the rise of United States with the diminishing influence of the British Empire), global & domestic shift in economic policies to adjust to a more sustainable future, and global legal & tax changes.  

Even with the shift in global landscape that creates uncertainties, global economy and opportunities had never been more prosperous in history.  The world is providing better living standards, business & work opportunities, entrepreneurship possibilities, open international trades, access to vast amount of knowledge and information on internet, the rise of online businesses and communication, and with the growth engine of China with 1.4 billion population that is set to be the world’s largest economy by 2028 or earlier, due to COVID-19 pandemic slowing down United States economic growth.  

All these give rise to a booming global economy, wealth and income growth and the record number of billionaires, UHNWs and HNWs.  And as a result, an increasing number of class of ultra-wealthy individuals and family offices that need access to a wide range of financial & investment services and advisory & professional services.  


3) Increasing Risks in Managing Wealth & Assets

Today, having massive wealth or assets brings more problems than ever before.  Not only is there the basic need to preserve & grow the wealth and assets, an evolving plan is required to deal with changing global policies and shift in global landscape which disrupts any well-thought-out plan, including portfolio diversification, succession plan, next-generation wealth transfer and philanthropy activities. 

This year (2021), many banks and asset managers have committed to Net Zero Carbon Emission and 130 countries and jurisdictions representing 90% of global GDP have agreed to a 15% minimum corporate tax rate, which will be implemented in 2023.  All these will fundamentally change how businesses will operate and investments to be allocated.  

Truly, we have entered into a decade (2021 to 2030) where change is a constant.  Being a regional or a global investor (family office) means not only requiring more resources to manage the assets but also to deal with potential risks such as Over-leverage, Bankruptcy, Lawsuits, Fraud, Business Collapse, Business Dispute, Family Dispute and Government Policy Change.  Stress-testing portfolio or assets may no longer work well as government policies are increasingly implementing changes overnight, and empowered to do so especially during this major crisis (COVID-19).  China is also reorganising its economy and increasingly taking tough actions and implementing new regulations on the financial industry and technology companies, and to tackle issues such as financial market manipulation, fraud and corruption. 


Family Office in a Changing World

The COVID-19 pandemic had severely tested and strained family offices, investments and core businesses for some family offices.  Some family offices’ asset value have declined sharply and succession plans are in jeopardy.  Some family offices have done well during the crisis, and with the new wealth that will soon setup new family offices or investment companies to manage their fast-growing tens of millions, hundreds of millions or billions of new assets.  

For family offices, new billionaires and UHNWs, managing wealth & assets in a changing world is no longer a smooth sailing and predictable journey.  What should family office do?  How do family offices navigate in a changing world?  

Join us in The 2021 Family Office Exclusive:


Caproasia 2021 Family Office Exclusive

The 2021 Family Office Series is a special coverage on family office and multi-family office in Asia. Hear from leading family office experts, institutes, private banks, family offices and many more.  Learn about the landscape of family office, growing billionaires, UHNWs & new family offices, trends & impact of China & Chinese family offices, impact of government policies, tax, legal and risks.  Get exclusive insights on managing family office, managing assets & investments for family offices, building & strengthening a family office.  And find out more on how to navigate family office in a changing world.

The 2021 Family Office Summit is a private event for family office.  Hear from leading family office experts, institutes, private banks, family offices and many more.  Learn about the landscape of family office, growing billionaires, UHNWs & new family offices, trends & impact of China & Chinese family offices, impact of government policies, tax, legal and risks.  Get exclusive insights on managing family office, managing assets & investments for family offices, building & strengthening a family office.  And find out more on how to navigate family office in a changing world.

About Family Office

Family offices manage assets of the wealthiest people in the world. In 2020, there are about 2,800+ billionaires, 290,000 UHNWs and 15,000+ family offices worldwide.  Billionaires and UHNWs setup family offices, with assets ranging from $300 million to $3 billion, and some with more than $10 billion assets.  Newer family offices are also setting up family offices with $20 million to $100 million.


Agenda / Topics

A) 2021 Landscape of family office

  • Overview & trends in family office
  • Growing billionaires, UHNWs and new family offices
  • Trends & impact of China & Chinese family offices
  • Impact of Government Policies, Tax, Legal & Risks

B) Managing family office

  • SFO, MFO & Private Investment Co.
  • Managing Assets & Investments for family offices
  • Building & Strengthening a family office

C) Navigating family office in a changing world

  • Challenges for a family office
  • Opportunities for a family office
  • Common issues in a family office
  • Impact of family office on economy & society
  • What’s new for family office



  • Single Family Offices
  • Multi-Family Offices
  • Family Office Professionals

Join us as delegate, speaker, presenter, moderator, panelist or sponsor | A Private Event for Family Office


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Quick Links

2021 Data Release
2020 List of Private Banks in Hong Kong
2020 List of Private Banks in Singapore
2020 Top 10 Largest Family Office
2020 Top 10 Largest Multi-Family Offices
2020 Report: Hong Kong Private Banks & Asset Mgmt - $4.49 Trillion
2020 Report: Singapore Asset Mgmt - $3.48 Trillion AUM

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