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China Policy Banks Issues $29 Billion Loans to Property Developers to Fund Stalled Housing Projects, Invests $43 Billion to Fund Infrastructure Construction

2nd September 2022 | Hong Kong

China is issuing $29 billion (CNY 200 billion) in special loans to property developers to fund stalled housing projects (Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Finance, China Policy Banks), and separately through 2 China policy banks invest a total of $43 billion (CNY 300 billion) to fund infrastructure construction in China (China Development Bank ~ China’s largest policy lender, Agricultural Development Bank of China).  China economy has been hit by a zero COVID-19 policy, impacting international travellers, supply-chain, and the wider economy.  In July 2022, some property buyers & suppliers have or are starting movements to stop property payments for delayed projects, with the Chinese government, central bank & regulators stepping in with emergency meetings to ensure liquidity for banks and for banks to support financing for the completion of property projects.  It is reported China homebuyers have started a movement to stop paying monthly mortgages (housing loans) for delayed projects, with China property stocks & bonds prices declining.  China largest banks including Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) and China Construction Bank & Industrial Bank (ICBC) have responded that the associated risks are controllable, and accounting for 0.012% of total mortgages (ABC, Agricultural Bank of China). Yicai: “Buyers in around 150 housing projects across 20 provincial-level regions have banded together to demand that developers restart building and that the houses are delivered within a reasonable period of time otherwise they will stop repaying their bank loans, according to the latest data. Most of these unfinished projects are in smaller second, third and fourth-tier cities were there is a glut of properties on the market.”

“ China Policy Banks Issues $29 Billion Loans to Property Developers to Fund Stalled Housing Projects, Invests $43 Billion to Fund Infrastructure Construction “


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China Property Watch: Worst-Case Projection of 6.4% Total Mortgage at Risks Amount to $356 Billion, Representing 2.5% of China GDP

Shanghai, China

August 2022: In the worst-case scenario in the current China property mortgage crisis, S&P Global Ratings estimated that the total mortgage at risk amounted to 6.4% of total mortgages ($356 billion, CNY 2.4 trillion), representing around 2.5% of China total GDP ($14 trillion).  

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