BlackRock Chairman Larry Fink | The leading source of data, research, information & resource for financial professionals, investment managers, professional investors, family offices & advisors to institutions, billionaires, UHNWs & HNWs. Covering capital markets, investments and private wealth in Asia. How do you invest $3 million to $300 million? How do you manage $20 million to $3 billion of assets? Caproasia - Learn more

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France Union Protestors Protest Inside BlackRock Paris Headquarter to Oppose Pension Reform of Retirement Age Raised by 2 Years to Age 64, World Largest Asset Manager with $8.59 Trillion Assets

7th April 2023 | Hong Kong

France union protestors have protested inside BlackRock Paris headquarter (6/4/23) to oppose pension reform of retirement age raised by 2 years to age 64 from Year 2027 (to be able to receive pension funds thereafter).   The protest lasted around 30 minutes.  BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager with $8.59 trillion assets, which manages investments for individuals and institutional investors including pension funds.  In 2022 October,  climate activists protested inside BlackRock New York headquarter (26/10/22), the world’s largest asset manager with $8.4 trillion (2022 Q3).

“ France Union Protestors Protest Inside BlackRock Paris Headquarter to Oppose Pension Reform of Retirement Age Raised by 2 Years to Age 64, World Largest Asset Manager with $8.59 Trillion Assets “


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Climate Activists Protest Inside BlackRock New York Headquarter, World Largest Asset Manager with $8.4 Trillion

Climate Change

27th October 2022 – Climate activists had protested inside BlackRock New York headquarter (26/10/22), the world’s largest asset manager with $8.4 trillion (2022 Q3).  This is the 3rd day of climate protests in New York City, led by activist groups including New York Communities for Change (NYCC) and New York chapters of the Sunrise Movement & Extinction Rebellion.  According to a Twitter post: “Climate Activists Storm BlackRock HQ in NYC with pitchforks, dump coal on escalator as one man tries to stop and block them.”  The Climate Activists also held banners: “How dare you plunder the earth, Your investments are killing us, Your greed = climate chaos”.  On Google search, only a few leading media showed research results on the BlackRock incident: Citywire, Fox Business, Independent.  In early 2022, BlackRock Chairman & CEO Larry Fink wrote a letter to CEOs on behalf of BlackRock’s clients, who are shareholders of invested companies, touching on key issues including Capitalism, Sustainability, ESG & Net Zero – Read Letter

“ Climate Activists Protest inside BlackRock New York Headquarter, World Largest Asset Manager with $8.4 Trillion “


Laurence D. Fink, Chairman and CEO in 2022 Q3 Earnings Statement: “We built BlackRock to meet our clients’ needs across all market environments. The diversity of our solutions provides clients with more choice to address their unique priorities across products, styles, and exposures. The power of our diversified platform is most evident in times of uncertainty, and clients are turning to us more than ever for our comprehensive and integrated solutions.

Our wide range of investment offerings, leading technology platform, whole portfolio approach and global insights are resonating deeply as clients seek partners to help them build stronger, more resilient portfolios that meet their long-term investment goals.  BlackRock generated industry-leading long-term net inflows of $248 billion in the first nine months of 2022, including $65 billion in the third quarter. We once again saw strong growth in bond ETFs, with $37 billion of net inflows. Active strategies reflected momentum from significant outsourcing mandates and continued demand for alternatives, where we raised $6 billion across commitments and net inflows. We had record Aladdin client mandates in the first nine months of 2022, with over half coming from multi-product solutions. 

We continue to evolve our organization, think comprehensively about our clients’ portfolios and innovate ahead of their needs, all of which is deepening connectivity across our platform. We are uniquely positioned to serve our clients’ needs with integrated investment management, technology and advisory expertise. And we are relentlessly committed to bringing together the best of BlackRock in order to deliver better outcomes that will benefit our clients, employees and shareholders.” 


Climate protesters occupy BlackRock HQ, blocking escalator, throwing coal onto floor


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