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KPMG China & Hong Kong IPO Markets 2023 Mid-Year Review: $62 Billion IPO Funds Raised from 617 Deals Averaging $100 Million, Top 5 Exchanges are Shanghai $19.2 Billion, Shenzhen $12.8 Billion, NYSE $7.1 billion, Abu Dhabi $3.7 billion & NASDAQ $2.9 billion

1st September 2023 | Hong Kong

KPMG has released the KPMG China & Hong Kong IPO Markets 2023 Mid-Year Review, providing key insights into IPO activities globally, Hong Kong & China Mainland (IPO ~ Initial Public Offering).  In 2023 1st half, global IPO raised $62 billion from 617 deals ($100 million average per deal), and the top 5 stock exchanges for IPO are Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) $19.2 billion, Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) $12.8 billion, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) $7.1 billion, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) $3.7 billion, and NASDAQ $2.9 billion.  The 2023 Global Landscape – Post-pandemic recovery, Financial market instability, Geopolitical uncertainties, Interest rate hikes, Inflationary pressures.  The 2023 2H Global IPO Outlook – Economic recovery, Easing inflationary pressures, Ongoing geopolitical uncertainties, Financial market uncertainties.  For Hong Kong IPO Market$2.2 billion from 31 deals (HKD 17.8 billion, $70 million average). Hong Kong 2023 1H IPO by Sector – Consumer markets 42%, Healthcare / Life sciences 16%, Infrastructure / Real Estate 12%, Others 30%.  Hong Kong 2023 1H Top 10 IPOs – HKD 13.1 billion ($1.8 billion, 75% of total funds raised).  Hong Kong 2023 1H Top 10 Largest IPO – ZJLD Group Inc $730 million, Horizon Construction Development $234 million, Beijing SinoHytec $151 million, JF Wealth Holdings $137 million, Beauty Farm Medical & Health Industry $123 million, Laekna $110 million, DPC Dash $82 million, MedSci Healthcare Holdings $82 million, Edianyun $82 million, YH Entertainment Group $82 million.  For China, Shanghai Stock Exchange & Shenzhen Stock Exchange A-Share 2023 1H IPO Market $30.8 billion from 177 deals (RMB 224 billion, $170 million average) and Beijing Stock Exchange 2023 1H IPO Market $1.1 billion from 42 deals (RMB 8.3 billion, $26 million average).  China Mainland 2023 1H IPO by Sector – Industrials 48%, Technology, Media & Telecom sector (TMT) 22%, Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) 9%, Others 21%.  China 2023 1H Top 10 Largest A-Shares IPO – Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics (Shaoxing) – SSE-STAR $1.53 billion, Nexchip Semiconductor Corporation SSE-STAR $1.38 billion, China Fund Management SPIC New Energy REIT $1.07 billion, Shaanxi Energy Investment $992 million, CSI Solar – SSE-STAR $950 million, Hunan Yuneng New Energy Battery Material – SZSE-ChiNext RMB 4.5 billion $620 million, Shenzhen Intellifusion Technologies – SSE $592 million, Jiangsu Xukuang Energy – SSE-STAR $537 million, Greenworks (Jiangsu) – SZSE-ChiNext $510 million, Chongqing Genrix Biopharmaceutical – SSE-STAR $482 million.  See below for key findings & summary | View report here

“ $62 Billion IPO Funds Raised from 617 Deals Averaging $100 Million, Top 5 Exchanges are Shanghai $19.2 Billion, Shenzhen $12.8 Billion, NYSE $7.1 billion, Abu Dhabi $3.7 billion & NASDAQ $2.9 billion “


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KPMG China & Hong Kong IPO Markets 2023 Mid-Year Review

Shanghai Pudong City | Leading Financial Centre in Asia

KPMG has released the KPMG China & Hong Kong IPO Markets 2023 Mid-Year Review, providing key insights into IPO activities globally, Hong Kong & China Mainland (IPO ~ Initial Public Offering).


  1. 2023 Global IPO 1st Half Funds Raised$62 billion from 617 deals ($100 million average)
  2. 2022 Global IPO 1st Half Funds Raised  – $100 billion from 701 deals ($142 million)
  3. Global IPO Funds Raised in Last 4 Years – 2022 $196 billion, 2021 $468 billion, 2020 $279 billion, 2019 $213 billion
  4. Top 5 Stock Exchanges Funds Raised (2023 1H) – Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) $19.2 billion, Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) $12.8 billion, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) $7.1 billion, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) $3.7 billion, NASDAQ $2.9 billion
  5. 2023 Global Landscape – Post-pandemic recovery, Financial market instability, Geopolitical uncertainties, Interest rate hikes, Inflationary pressures
  6. 2023 2H Global IPO Outlook – Economic recovery, Easing inflationary pressures, Ongoing geopolitical uncertainties, Financial market uncertainties

Hong Kong Summary:

  1. Hong Kong IPO 2023 1H IPO – HKD 17.8 billion from 31 deals ($2.2 billion, $70 million average)
  2. Hong Kong 2023 1H IPO by Sector – Consumer markets 42%, Healthcare / Life sciences 16%, Infrastructure / Real Estate 12%, Others 30%
  3. Hong Kong 2023 1H  Top 10 IPOs – HKD 13.1 billion ($1.8 billion, 75% of total funds raised)
  4. Hong Kong 2023 1H Top 10 Largest IPO ZJLD Group Inc $730 million, Horizon Construction Development $234 million, Beijing SinoHytec $151 million, JF Wealth Holdings $137 million, Beauty Farm Medical & Health Industry $123 million, Laekna $110 million, DPC Dash $82 million, MedSci Healthcare Holdings $82 million, Edianyun $82 million, YH Entertainment Group $82 million
  5. Hong Kong HKD-RMB Dual Counter Model – a new Dual Counter Model enhancing liquidity of dual counter securities and minimising price discrepancies between the two counters. 
  6. 2023 2H Hong Kong IPO Outlook – Stable IPO with over 110 active applicants, Expect more specialist technology companies to IPO in 2023 2H

China Summary:

  1. Shanghai Stock Exchange & Shenzhen Stock Exchange A-Share 2023 1H IPO Market RMB 224 billion from 177 deals ($30.8 billion, $170 million average)
  2. Beijing Stock Exchange 2023 1H IPO Market RMB 8.3 billion from 42 deals ($1.1 billion, $26 million average)
  3. China A-shares – Shares of Mainland China-based companies that trade on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE).  A-shares are in RMB, B-shares in foreign currencies.
  4. China Mainland 2023 1H IPO by Sector – Industrials 48%, Technology, Media & Telecom sector (TMT) 22%, Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) 9%, Others 21%
  5. China 2023 1H Top 10 Largest A-Shares IPO – Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics (Shaoxing) – SSE-STAR $1.53 billion, Nexchip Semiconductor Corporation SSE-STAR $1.38 billion, China Fund Management SPIC New Energy REIT $1.07 billion, Shaanxi Energy Investment $992 million, CSI Solar – SSE-STAR $950 million, Hunan Yuneng New Energy Battery Material – SZSE-ChiNext RMB 4.5 billion $620 million, Shenzhen Intellifusion Technologies – SSE $592 million, Jiangsu Xukuang Energy – SSE-STAR $537 million, Greenworks (Jiangsu) – SZSE-ChiNext $510 million, Chongqing Genrix Biopharmaceutical – SSE-STAR $482 million
  6. 2023 Q2 A-share IPO Active Applicants – Total of 962 applicants
  7. 2023 Q2 A-share IPO Active Applicants by Stock Exchange – Traditional market 315, ChiNext 159, STAR Market 355, Beijing Stock Exchange 133
  8. 2023 1H A-share Applications by Sector (962 companies) – Industrial 41%, TMT 28%, Healthcare / Life sciences 11%, Consumer markets 8%, Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) 5%, Others 7%
  9. 2023 2H A-share Outlook – IPO pipelines remains healthy with around 1,000 active applicants, Supportive government policies 


KPMG China & Hong Kong IPO Markets 2023 Mid-Year Review

1) 2023 Global IPO

Global IPO (2023 1H) – Funds Raised:

  • 2023 $62 billion from 617 deals ($100 million average)
  • 2022 – $100 billion from 701 deals ($142 million)
  • 2021 – $233 billion from 1,155 deals ($201 million)
  • 2020 – $71 billion from 449 deals ($158 million)
  • 2019 – $74 billion from 509 deals ($145 million)

Global IPO (Full year) – Funds Raised:

  • 2022 – $196 billion from 1,520 deals ($128 million average)
  • 2021 – $468 billion from 2,510 deals ($186 million)
  • 2020 – $279 billion from 1,493 deals ($186 million)
  • 2019 – $213 billion from 1,191 deals ($178 million)

Global Top 5 Stock Exchanges (2023 1H) – Funds Raised:

  1. Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)$19.2 billion
  2. Shenzhen Stock Exchange -(SZSE)  $12.8 billion
  3. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) – $7.1 billion
  4. Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) – $3.7 billion
  5. NASDAQ Stock Exchange – $2.9 billion

2023 Global Landscape:

  • Post-pandemic recovery 
  • Financial market instability
  • Geopolitical uncertainties
  • Interest rate hikes
  • Inflationary pressures

2023 2H Global IPO Outlook:

  • Economic recovery
  • Easing inflationary pressures
  • Ongoing geopolitical uncertainties
  • Financial market uncertainties


2) Hong Kong IPO 

2023 1H Hong Kong IPO Market Review:

  • HKD 17.8 billion from 31 deals ($2.2 billion, $70 million average)
  • Introduction of the HKD-RMB Dual Counter Model, a new Dual Counter Model enhancing liquidity of dual counter securities and minimising price discrepancies between the two counters. 

2023 1H Hong Kong IPO by Sector

  1. Consumer markets42%
  2. Healthcare / Life sciences – 16%
  3. Infrastructure / Real Estate – 12%
  4. Others – 30%

2023 1H Hong Kong Top 10 Largest IPO:

  1. ZJLD Group IncHKD 5.3 billion ($730 million)
  2. Horizon Construction Development – HKD 1.7 billion ($234 million)
  3. Beijing SinoHytec – HKD 1.1 billion ($151 million)
  4. JF Wealth Holdings – HKD 1 billion ($137 million)
  5. Beauty Farm Medical & Health Industry – HKD 900 million ($123 million)
  6. Laekna – HKD 800 million ($110 million)
  7. DPC Dash – HKD 600 million ($82 million)
  8. MedSci Healthcare Holdings – HKD 600 million ($82 million)
  9. Edianyun – HKD 600 million ($82 million)
  10. YH Entertainment Group – HKD 500 million ($82 million)

2023 1H Top 10 IPOs: HKD 13.1 billion ($1.8 billion, 75% of total funds raised)

2023 2H Hong Kong IPO Outlook:

  • Stable IPO with over 110 active applicants
  • Expect more specialist technology companies to IPO in 2023 2H


3) China Mainland IPO

2023 1H China Mainland IPO Market:

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange & Shenzhen Stock Exchange A-ShareRMB 224 billion from 177 deals ($30.8 billion, $170 million average)
  • Beijing Stock ExchangeRMB 8.3 billion from 42 deals ($1.1 billion, $26 million average)

2023 1H China Mainland IPO by Exchange:

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange Traditional – RMB 41.8 billion from 25 deals ($5.7 billion, $228 million average)
  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange Traditional – RMB 21.4 billion from 17 deals ($2.9 billion, $170 million average)
  • Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR – RMB 87.7 billion from 41 deals ($12 billion, $292 million average)
  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange ChiNext – RMB 64.8 billion from 52 deals ($8.9 billion, $211 million average)

China A-shares are shares of Mainland China-based companies that trade on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE).  A-shares are in RMB, B-shares in foreign currencies.

2023 1H China Mainland IPO by Sector:

  1. Industrials48%
  2. Technology, Media & Telecom sector (TMT) – 22%
  3. Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) – 9%
  4. Others – 21%

2022 1H China Mainland IPO by Sector:

  1. Technology, Media & Telecom sector (TMT) – 42%
  2. Industrials – 30%
  3. Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) – 12%
  4. Others – 16%
  5. Shanghai Stock Exchange – SSE
  6. Shenzhen Stock Exchange – SZSE

2023 1H Top 10 Largest China A-Shares IPO:

  1. Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics (Shaoxing) Corporation – SSE-STAR RMB 11.1 billion ($1.53 billion)
  2. Nexchip Semiconductor Corporation – SSE-STAR RMB 10 billion ($1.38 billion)
  3. China Fund Management SPIC New Energy REIT – SSE RMB 7.8 billion ($1.07 billion)
  4. Shaanxi Energy Investment – SZSE RMB 7.2 billion ($992 million)
  5. CSI Solar – SSE-STAR RMB 6.9 billion ($950 million)
  6. Hunan Yuneng New Energy Battery Material – SZSE-ChiNext RMB 4.5 billion ($620 million)
  7. Shenzhen Intellifusion Technologies – SSE RMB 4.3 billion ($592 million)
  8. Jiangsu Xukuang Energy – SSE-STAR RMB 3.9 billion ($537 million)
  9. Greenworks (Jiangsu) – SZSE-ChiNext RMB 3.7 billion ($510 million)
  10. Chongqing Genrix Biopharmaceutical – SSE-STAR RMB 3.5 billion ($482 million)

2023 Q2 A-share IPO Active Applicants:

  • Traditional market – 315
  • ChiNext – 159
  • STAR Market -355
  • Beijing Stock Exchange – 133
  • Total – 962 applicants

2023 1H A-share Applications by Sector – 962 companies:

  1. Industrial41%
  2. TMT – 28%
  3. Healthcare / Life sciences – 11%
  4. Consumer markets – 8%
  5. Energy & Natural Resources (ENR) – 5%
  6. Others – 7%

2023 2H A-share Outlook:

  • IPO pipelines remains healthy with around 1,000 active applicants
  • Supportive government policies 

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