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Schroders Capital Renewables & Energy Transition Specialist $1.4 Billion Schroders Greencoat Launches Evergreen Semi-Liquid Energy Transition Strategy to Invest in Illiquid Infrastructure Assets Including Wind Farms, Solar Parks, Clean Hydrogen, Battery Storage, District Heating, Charging Infrastructure, Power Grids & Carbon Capture Sectors

2nd February 2024 | Hong Kong

Schroders Capital renewables & energy transition specialist Schroders Greencoat ($1.4 billion AUM) has launched an evergreen semi-liquid energy transition strategy to invest in illiquid infrastructure assets including wind farms, solar parks, clean hydrogen, battery storage, district heating, charging infrastructure, power grids & carbon capture sectors.  Schroders Capital: “This launch marks Schroders Capital’s first infrastructure and sixth semi-liquid strategy, further diversifying its strong portfolio across private equity, venture capital, real estate, and impact investing.  With an AUM of $1.4 billion as of 30 June 2023, Schroders Capital’s semi-liquid range provides investors with diverse investment opportunities and a pathway to sustainable, long-term growth … … Schroders Greencoat, the specialist renewables and energy transition infrastructure manager of Schroders Capital, today announces the launch of a semi-liquid energy transition strategy, the latest addition to its innovative fund range, which also addresses clients’ growing demand for energy transition investment solutions.  This is the latest addition to Schroders Capital’s expanding suite of semi-liquid strategies aimed at boosting our clients’ access to both private assets solutions which offer new and diversifying return streams, as well as energy transition investment solutions.  The evergreen semi-liquid structure will enable Schroders Greencoat to invest in illiquid infrastructure assets with a long-term perspective while offering greater flexibility and operational simplicity to investors.  Drawing on the extensive expertise of Schroders Greencoat, which spans over a decade in the renewable and energy transition infrastructure sector, the strategy will deploy capital into various assets supporting the energy transition.  Renewable energy generation is the backbone of the energy transition, and the strategy will make investments into large-scale wind farms and solar parks. It will also target other infrastructure that is supporting the energy transition, such as the clean hydrogen, battery storage, district heating, charging infrastructure, power grids and carbon capture sectors.  The strategy will strategically deploy capital across diverse technologies and project stages globally with a specific focus on the US and Europe.” 

“ Schroders Capital Renewables & Energy Transition Specialist $1.4 Billion Schroders Greencoat Launches Evergreen Semi-Liquid Energy Transition Strategy to Invest in Illiquid Infrastructure Assets Including Wind Farms, Solar Parks, Clean Hydrogen, Battery Storage, District Heating, Charging Infrastructure, Power Grids & Carbon Capture Sectors “


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Duncan Hale, Portfolio Manager at Schroders Greencoat: “The energy transition represents one of the largest and most relevant investment themes impacting clients’ portfolios, and, as a result, it’s an exciting and attractive time to be accessing these types of investments. This strategy highlights our commitment to expanding access to private assets and generating positive returns for our clients through directly allocating to energy transition infrastructure.  Achieving net zero by 2050 requires significant change and investment into energy infrastructure. This offers a great opportunity for investors to benefit from an innovative structure which supports their ability to access energy transition assets that can not only offer attractive returns, but also take advantage of a risk profile which delivers strong diversification characteristics for investors’ portfolios.”



Schroders Capital Renewables & Energy Transition Specialist $1.4 Billion Schroders Greencoat Launches Evergreen Semi-Liquid Energy Transition Strategy to Invest in Illiquid Infrastructure Assets Including Wind Farms, Solar Parks, Clean Hydrogen, Battery Storage, District Heating, Charging Infrastructure, Power Grids & Carbon Capture Sectors

London, United Kingdom

Schroders Capital

Schroders Capital provides investors with access to a broad range of private asset investment opportunities, portfolio building blocks and customised private asset strategies. Its team focuses on delivering best-in-class, risk- adjusted returns and executing investments through a combination of direct investment capabilities and broader solutions in all private market asset classes, through comingled funds and customised private asset mandates. The team aims to achieve sustainable returns through a rigorous approach and in alignment with a culture characterised by performance, collaboration and integrity.  With $86.7 billion (£68.2 billion; €79.5 billion)* assets under management, Schroders Capital offers a diversified range of investment strategies, including real estate, private equity, secondaries, venture capital, infrastructure, securitised products and asset-based finance, private debt, insurance-linked securities and BlueOrchard (Impact Specialists).

About Schroders Greencoat

Schroders Greencoat LLP, formerly Greencoat Capital LLP, is a specialist manager dedicated to the renewable energy infrastructure sector. With teams in London, Dublin, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Madrid, as well as in New York and Chicago, and over $11 billion under management*, Schroders Greencoat is one of the largest dedicated managers in Europe. It was founded in 2009 and currently has fund mandates with strategies investing into wind, solar, bioenergy and renewable heat in the UK, Europe and the United States. In total, the company manages renewable infrastructure assets with an aggregate net generation capacity of 6 GW*.

Schroders plc

Schroders is a global investment management firm with £726.1 billion (€846.1 billion; $923.1 billion) assets under management, as at 30 June 2023. Schroders continues to deliver strong financial results in ever challenging market conditions, with a market capitalisation of circa £7 billion and over 6,100 employees across 38 locations. Established in 1804, the founding family remains a core shareholder, holding approximately 44% of Schroders’ shares.  Schroders has benefited from a diverse business model by geography, asset class and client type. It offers innovative products and solutions across four core growing business areas; asset management, solutions, Schroders Capital (private assets) and wealth management. Clients include insurance companies, pension schemes, sovereign wealth funds, high net worth individuals and foundations. Schroders also manages assets for end clients as part of its relationships with distributors, financial advisers and online platforms.  Schroders aims to provide excellent investment performance to clients through active management. It also channels capital into sustainable and durable businesses to accelerate positive change in the world. Schroders’ business philosophy is based on the belief that if we deliver for clients, we will deliver for our shareholders and other stakeholders.

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