Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Deputy Chairman of the MAS Board Lawrence Wong | The leading source of data, research, information & resource for financial professionals, investment managers, professional investors, family offices & advisors to institutions, billionaires, UHNWs & HNWs. Covering capital markets, investments and private wealth in Asia. How do you invest $3 million to $300 million? How do you manage $20 million to $3 billion of assets? Caproasia - Learn more

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Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong on Family Offices in Singapore: 1,400 Family Offices with Tax Incentives in Singapore at the End of 2023, Most Family Offices Have Fewer than 20 Employees, Majority of Employees from Singapore & Foreign Employees Most Represented by Asians, Age Group 10% Below Age 30, 35% Between Age 30 to 40 & 55% Above Age 40

7th March 2024 | Hong Kong

Singapore central bank Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Lawrence Wong (Chairman, Singapore Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Finance) reply on family offices in Singapore1,400 family offices with tax incentives in Singapore at the end of 2023.  Most family offices in Singapore have fewer than 20 employees, with majority of employees from Singapore & foreign employees most represented by Asians.  The employees age group for family offices in Singapore comprises for around 10% below age 30, 35% between age 30 to 40 and 55% above age 40.  Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong: “As of 31 December 2023, there were around 1,400 Single Family Offices (SFOs) that have been awarded tax incentives.  The majority of their workforce comprise of locals. The foreign workforce comes from a range of countries, with most from Asia.  Slightly more than half of the employees are males and slightly less than half are females. In terms of age profile, about 10% are below the age of 30, about 35% are between 30 and 40 years old, and about 55% are above 40 years of age.  Most have fewer than 20 employees and a small number have 20 or more employees.  Besides 66306, SFOs have classified themselves under other Singapore Standard Industry Classification (SSIC) codes such as the other codes in the 663 SSIC family relating to fund management activities (e.g. 66301 Traditional/Long-only asset/Portfolio management) and the 702 SSIC family relating to management consultancy activities.”  

“ Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong on Family Offices in Singapore: 1,400 Family Offices with Tax Incentives in Singapore at the End of 2023, Most Family Offices Have Fewer than 20 Employees, Majority of Employees from Singapore & Foreign Employees Most Represented by Asians, Age Group 10% Below Age 30, 35% Between Age 30 to 40 & 55% Above Age 40 “


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Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong on Why 6-Month & 1-Year Treasury Bills Issued by Government with Higher Interest Rates than Fixed Deposits Rates by Banks

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Deputy Chairman of the MAS Board Lawrence Wong


Date: For Parliament Sitting on 6 March 2024

Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament

Mr Patrick Tay Teck Guan, Pioneer SMC


To ask the Prime Minister as of 31 December 2023 (a) what is the number of family offices in Singapore; (b) what is the breakdown in these family offices by (i) nationality (ii) gender and (iii) age; and (c) what is its breakdown in terms of employment of (i) less than 20 employees (ii) 21-50 employees (iii) 51-99 employees and (iv) more than 100 employees; and (d) whether there is any family office classification based on asset and investment type that is outside of the Singapore Standard Industry Classification code 66306.

Answer by Mr Lawrence Wong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, and Chairman of MAS:

1. As of 31 December 2023, there were around 1,400 Single Family Offices (SFOs) that have been awarded tax incentives [1] .

(a) The majority of their workforce comprise of locals. The foreign workforce comes from a range of countries, with most from Asia.

(b) Slightly more than half of the employees are males and slightly less than half are females. In terms of age profile, about 10% are below the age of 30, about 35% are between 30 and 40 years old, and about 55% are above 40 years of age.

(c) Most have fewer than 20 employees and a small number have 20 or more employees.

2. Besides 66306, SFOs have classified themselves under other Singapore Standard Industry Classification (SSIC) codes such as the other codes in the 663 SSIC family relating to fund management activities (e.g. 66301 Traditional/Long-only asset/Portfolio management) and the 702 SSIC family relating to management consultancy activities.


  1. [1] These are the tax incentive schemes for funds under sections 13O and 13U of the Income Tax Act.

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