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JP Morgan Appoints Rita Chan & Alan Ho as China Co-Senior Country Managers, Succeeds JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung Who is Retiring at the End of 2024 after 25 Years at JP Morgan

30th March 2024 | Hong Kong

JP Morgan has announced the appointment ofRita Chan & Alan Ho as China Co-Senior Country Managers (1/4/24), succeeding JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung who had announced to retire in February at the end of 2024 after spending a total of 25 years at JP Morgan, and being appointed as CEO of JP Morgan China in 2018.  Mark Leung had joined JP Morgan in 1997 based in Hong Kong & Singapore (Rate Derivatives Trading Asia) and joined UBS investment bank in 2001.  In 2003, Mark Leung rejoined JP Morgan and in 2008 was appointed as Head Delta One Trading APAC.  Mark Leung held numerous leadership roles at JP Morgan thereafter, including Head Equity Derivatives Trading APAC, Head Equities Trading APAC, Co-Head Global Equities & Prime Services, and in 2018, he was appointed JP Morgan CEO China.  

“ JP Morgan Appoints Rita Chan & Alan Ho as China Co-Senior Country Managers, Succeeds JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung Who is Retiring at the End of 2024 after 25 Years at JP Morgan “


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JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung to Retire at the End of 2024 after 25 Years at JP Morgan, Appointed as CEO of JP Morgan China in 2018

2nd February 2024 – JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung has announced to retire at the end of 2024 after spending a total of 25 years at JP Morgan, and being appointed as CEO of JP Morgan China in 2018.  Mark Leung had joined JP Morgan in 1997 based in Hong Kong & Singapore (Rate Derivatives Trading Asia) and joined UBS investment bank in 2001.  In 2003, Mark Leung rejoined JP Morgan and in 2008 was appointed as Head Delta One Trading APAC.  Mark Leung held numerous leadership roles at JP Morgan thereafter, including Head Equity Derivatives Trading APAC, Head Equities Trading APAC, Co-Head Global Equities & Prime Services, and in 2018, he was appointed JP Morgan CEO China.



JP Morgan China CEO Mark Leung to Retire at the End of 2024 after 25 Years at JP Morgan, Appointed as CEO of JP Morgan China in 2018

JP Morgan Hong Kong

Mark Leung (Linkedin 1/2/24): After spending an amazing quarter of a century with J.P. Morgan, I have decided to retire from the firm.

It’s my pleasure and honor to have enjoyed a remarkable journey with J.P. Morgan, from a fresh graduate to a HKD fixed income trader to a member of the firm’s Global Corporate & Investment Banking Management Committee, having overseen and spearheaded our global equities and prime services business, which has now become a best-in-class franchise. 

Looking back over the past five years and nine months as the CEO for China, I am sincerely proud of what our China team has achieved together. J.P. Morgan has made itself a trusted partner and a “bridge” to assist Chinese companies going overseas and support multinational companies operating in China. We have doubled our business in this market with multiple breakthroughs – J.P. Morgan became the first foreign firm to fully own a Securities business and a Futures and Options Company, while in January of last year, the firm received regulatory approval for 100% ownership for what is now branded J.P. Morgan Asset Management in China. 

Some of my proudest and most rewarding moments took place when I worked as a J.P. Morgan volunteer to help underprivileged communities through the firm’s philanthropic programs. With my colleagues, we have volunteered our time and worked on multiple programs in places including Shaanxi, Sichuan and Guizhou province, in order to help boost small businesses, create new opportunities for young people and disadvantaged communities, and contribute to inclusive economic development in rural China. 

With the team’s support, I am proud that I have achieved all my priorities when I embarked on this journey. 

And life is about the journey.

While I am very sad to leave, I am fully confident that our China franchise is now in a very strong position and will be in good hands to grow into the future, as I look to hand over my duty as the China CEO toward the year end. I am extremely grateful to have been able to work with numerous brilliant people around the world, with friendship and memories that I will cherish for good, as I look passionately forward to the next destination in life.

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