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Schroders Global Investor Study 2021: Hong Kong Investors Expect 11.4% Annual Returns Compared to 10.3% in 2020

6th August 2021 | Hong Kong

Schroders, one of the world’s leading asset manager with more than $785 billion assets, has released the Schroders Global Investor Study 2021 with investors in Hong Kong raising their investment per year return expectation from 10.3% (2020) to 11.4% (2021).  The study by Schroders on 23,000 investors from 32 locations globally includes 500 investors from Hong Kong.  The top 3 sectors for Hong Kong investors are Internet & tech companies (60%), Electric vehicle & related industries (47%) and Associated pharmaceuticals (45%).  The top 3 region for Hong Kong investors are Asia (86%), Europe (67%) and North America (58%).

“ Hong Kong Investors Expect 11.4% Annual Returns Compared to 10.3% in 2020 “


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Schroders Global Investor Study 2021: Selected Findings

Hong Kong Exchange

Hong Kong Investors:

  • Investors raising their return expectation from 10.3% (2020) to 11.4% (2021)
  • 76% of investors spent more time thinking about their financial well-being and reorganising their personal finances since the outbreak of Covid-19
  • 80% saved as much as they planned to or saved more than they intended to

Top 3 sectors (stocks & funds) for Hong Kong Investors: 

  • Internet & tech companies (60%)
  • Electric vehicle &related industries (47%)
  • Associated pharmaceuticals (45%)

Top region to invest for Hong Kong Investors:

  • Asia (86%)
  • Europe (67%)
  • North America (58%)

Investment knowledge:

  • Intermediate: 50% (2020: 43%)
  • Expert/advanced: 34% (2020: 31%)
  • Investors seeing guidance from financial professionals: 47% (2020: 41%)


Amy Cho Schroders CEO Hong Kong and Head of Distribution Asia-Pacific
Amy Cho, Schroders CEO Hong Kong and Head of Distribution Asia-Pacific:

“It’s pleasing to see that investors in Hong Kong have become more attentive to their investments and taking a longer-term view on their finances. The unprecedented pandemic may have been a wakeup call to adjust their financial habits, and better equip themselves for the uncertainties and opportunities that lie ahead.

With the emergence of certain structural trends that are changing our way of life such as the growing popularity of online shopping and the transition to a low-carbon future, there are indeed opportunities in specific sectors.  However, rather than trying to focus on a sector or two, we believe focusing on structural themes and invest across the value chain would point to a broader opportunity set.   Cyclical factors could come into play, so taking a multi-thematic approach is expected to add value.

Whilst it could well be due to home-bias that Hong Kong investors are keen on Asia as an investment destination, we continue to be convinced of the prospects of the region.   Asia has leveraged on disruptions brought by the pandemic to accelerate the development of digital innovations critical to the post-pandemic era. These include remote communications, digital healthcare, mobile payments, e-commerce, and next-generation mobility. Related developments in the world’s two most populous nations – China and India – capture the dynamic of why we believe Asia will shape the 21st century. We do remind investors to consider diversification across equities and fixed income to help manage short-term volatility, and at the same time, to enjoy the benefit of income flow, and in turn, helps smoothen out the return pattern.”




To find out more about Schroders Global Investor Study 2021, please click here.

In March 2021, Schroders commissioned an independent online survey of over 23,000 people who invest from 32 locations around the globe. This spanned countries across Europe, Asia, the Americas and more. This research defines people as those who will be investing at least €10,000 (or the equivalent) in the next 12 months and who have made changes to their investments within the last 10 years. Due to this threshold, Schroders acknowledges that this group and therefore the research findings are not representative of everyone’s experience of the pandemic.


About Schroders

As a global active asset manager, the way we direct capital not only shapes the financial returns we achieve for our clients but also the impact that the companies in which we invest on their behalf might have on society. The relationship between these two outcomes has rapidly evolved as we see a fundamental shift in how companies are viewed and valued. Understanding the impact that they can have on society and the planet is crucial in assessing their ability to deliver risk-adjusted profits.

Our ongoing success is built on a history of experience and expertise, whereby we partner with our clients to construct innovative products and solutions across our five business areas consisting of Private Assets & Alternatives, Solutions, Mutual Funds, Institutional and Wealth Management and invest in a wide range of assets and geographies. By combining our commitment to active management and focus on sustainability, our strategic capabilities are designed to deliver positive outcomes for our clients.

We are responsible for £574.4 billion (€641.7 billion/$785.1 billion 31/12/20) assets of our clients, managed locally by 42 investment teams worldwide. As a global business with over 5,500 talented staff across 35 locations, we are able to stay close to our clients and understand their needs. We have over 200 years of experience in investment and innovation

Visit: www.schroders.com.hk

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