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Barclays Hires HSBC Hossein Zaimi as Head of Markets for Asia-Pacific

13th May 2022 | Hong Kong

Barclays has hired HSBC Hossein Zaimi as Barclays Head of Markets for Asia-Pacific.  Hossein Zaimi joins from HSBC after 17 years including holding senior leadership appointment as Global Head of Equities, Global Co-Head of Securities Financing and a member of the HSBC Global Markets Executive Committee, and with close to 30 years of industry experience (HSBC, Crédit Lyonnais, Salmon Smith Barney).  Barclays Co-Head of Global Markets Stephen Dainton:” APAC is at the centre of our multi-year growth strategy for Global Markets and Hossein’s appointment attests to the significant investment we are making to expand our franchise in the region.  Barclays Co-Head of Global Markets Adeel Khan: ”It is critical to our growth plan that we continue to build great teams and bring in strong leaders. Hossein is widely respected and equally recognised by peers and clients as one of the leading figures in the industry and we’re very excited to have him join Barclays to further grow our franchise in APAC.”  Barclays Head of Asia-Pacific Jaideep Khanna: “The success of Barclays Asia-Pacific franchise is driven by our ability to attract and hire the best talent to grow our business. Hossein brings solid cross-product experience in APAC and has had global product ownership for FX and Equities for a number of years. We are confident that his broad expertise, coupled with a deep knowledge of Asian markets, will move us closer to achieving our goals and ambitions for the region.”

“ Barclays Hires HSBC Hossein Zaimi as Head of Markets for Asia-Pacific “


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Barclays Hossein Zaimi Head of Markets for Asia-Pacific

Barclays Hossein Zaimi


Barclays in Asia-Pacific for over 50 years

Barclays has been in Asia Pacific for over 50 years and primarily supports corporations and financial institutions across the Asia Pacific region, catering to their cross-border Corporate and Investment banking needs and connecting them to the capital markets of UK, Europe and the Americas. Barclays in Asia Pacific is headed by Jaideep Khanna; its regional Investment Banking, Global Markets and Corporate Banking business is respectively led by Vanessa Koo, Anthony Davies, and Pushkaraj Gumaste.

Recent Appointments at Barclays in Asia-Pacific

  • Mar 2022: Matt Pecot to retire; Anthony Davies appointed interim Head of Markets for APAC
  • Mar 2022: Carrie Chen and Raymond Yu: Co-Head of Investment Banking, Greater China
  • Feb 2022: Pushkaraj Gumaste, Head of Corporate Banking, Asia Pacific and Middle East
  • Jan 2022: Duncan Beattie and Duncan Connellan, Managing Directors, Investment Banking in Australia
  • Dec 2021: Barclays granted license to operate as a foreign ADI in Australia
  • Oct 2021: Angela Liu, Country CEO, China
  • Aug 2021: Barclays Bank infuses over Rs. 3,000 crore capital to grow India operations
  • Aug 2021: Grace Kuo, Shanghai Branch Manager
  • Aug 2021: Mani Joseph, Head of Asia Special Situations, Credit
  • Jul 2021: Evonne Tan, Head of Barclays Private Bank, Singapore
  • Jun 2021: Ee-Ching Tay, Head of Investment Banking, Southeast Asia
  • May 2021: Girish Mithran, Head of Program Trading, Asia
  • Mar 2021: Yehong Ji, Vice Chairman, Banking, Greater China
  • Mar 2021: Kelvin Teo, Head of Equity Capital Markets, Asia Pacific
  • Sep 2020: Barclays makes strategic investment in Australia

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