Julius Baer Group Head Greater China Jack Wu
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Julius Baer Hires Standard Chartered Private Bank Jack Wu as Group Head Greater China, 23 Years of Private Banking Experience in Greater China Region at Standard Chartered, HSBC, Credit Suisse & UBS

16th September 2023 | Hong Kong

Julius Baer has hired Standard Chartered Private Bank Jack Wu as Group Head Greater China (14/9/23).  Jack Wu has more than 30 years of banking experience including 23 years of private banking experience in Greater China Region at Standard Chartered Bank (China Market Team Lead), HSBC, Credit Suisse & UBS.  Jack Wu as Julius Baer Group Head Greater China, is based in Hong Kong.  

“ Julius Baer Hires Standard Chartered Private Bank Jack Wu as Group Head Greater China, 23 Years of Private Banking Experience in Greater China Region at Standard Chartered, HSBC, Credit Suisse & UBS “


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Julius Baer Hires Standard Chartered Private Bank Jack Wu as Group Head Greater China

Julius Baer Group Head Greater China Jack Wu

Julius Baer hires Standard Chartered Private Bank Jack Wu as Group Head Greater China (14/9/23).  Jack Wu has more than 30 years of banking experience including 23 years of private banking experience in Greater China Region at Standard Chartered Bank (China Market Team Lead), HSBC & Credit Suisse.



David Shick, Julius Baer Head Greater China & Branch Manager Hong Kong:

Julius Baer Head Greater China & Branch Manager Hong Kong David Shick

“This appointment underscores our unwavering commitment to serving the Greater China region and investing in exceptional talent to fuel our business growth. We recognize the immense potential and opportunities within this dynamic market. Jack, together with our existing Greater China team leaders’ deep market insights and established relationships, will undoubtedly be invaluable in driving our continued success.”

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