When Should You Sell Products and Not Advice?

When Should You Sell Products and Not Advice? Should you sell financial products and product-push? Or should you be selling advice? " Sell Products or Sell Advice...

11 Interesting Strategies to Advice Clients

11 Interesting Strategies to Advice Clients If you are a new wealth advisor, you would have been constantly reminded to advise clients according to clients' needs. But...

12 Reasons Why Financial Sales is Tougher Than You Think

12 Reasons Why Financial Sales is Tougher Than You Think The financial industry is exciting and one of most sought-after sector for the brightest graduates...

How do Wealth Managers Compete against Low Cost Providers?

How do Wealth Managers Compete against Low Cost Providers? Low-cost online brokerages, self-directed financial products, and new wealth management providers offering promotions or low transaction fees...

10 Questions Every Client Will Ask Every Year-End

10 Questions Every Client Will Ask Every Year End For most in the financial industry, the year-end means reconciliation, reviewing and reporting.  For the deal-makers, the year-end...

10 Reasons Why Unit Trust Can Help to Build a Strong Relationship With Clients

10 Reasons Why Unit Trust Can Help to Build a Strong Relationship With Clients   No.1 You get to Engage Clients Anytime You are able to discuss...

8 Essential Skills to be a Top Wealth Manager

8 Essential Skills to be a Top Wealth Manager Every year, many enter into the Wealth Management industry, becoming Financial Advisors, Personal Bankers, Priority Bankers, Assistant...

A Fun Day in Wealth Management Sales

No. 1 - Introducing Products In Retail Banking Typical Retail Wealth Management Products: Insurance-Linked Products Unit Trusts Structured Products Customer: I don’t like Insurance and I...

10 Steps to Start Advising Clients Every Year

10 Steps to Start Advising Clients Every Year How do you get started every year?  Do you have a strategy for your clients?  Can you...

8 Reasons why customers don’t understand the value of Wealth Managers

8 Reasons why Customers don't understand the value of Wealth Managers How often do you hear from customers: "Your fees are too expensive, your rates are not...