List of Global Top 50 Fund Management Firms 2016

List of Global Top 50 Fund Management Firms 2016 In 2016, the global top 50 Fund Management firms have a combined asset of $53.58 trillion...

2016 Top 3 Most Shocking Deals in Fund Management

2016 Top 3 Most Shocking Deals in Fund Management When is $100 Billion AUM not enough?  Welcome to the Fund Management Industry. All eyes were on...

The Largest Investment Managers in 2016

The Largest Investment Managers in 2016  Which are the largest funds in the world? Fund Management?  Sovereign Wealth Funds? Hedge Funds? Private Equity Funds? Caproasia Online brings...

The 3 Worst Scenarios for Fund Managers and Portfolio Managers

The 3 Worst Scenarios for Fund Managers and Portfolio Managers What is the worst situation a Fund Manger face? Poor performance, unfortunately it likely isn't. Experienced Fund...

35 Leading Fund Management Firms in Singapore

Aberdeen Asset Management Founders: Martin Gilbert, Ronnie Scott and George Robb Founded: 1983 Origin: Aberdeen, Scotland No. of Employees: Over 2,700 AUM: USD 483.3 billion     Alliance Bernstein Founders: Zalman Chaim Bernstein (Sanford Bernstein)...

2015 Singapore Fund Management at a Glance

2015 Singapore Fund Management at a Glance Unit Trust, Mutual Fund & Exchanged Traded Funds - these are increasingly popular investment instruments.  Without buying, selling or managing...

It takes More than Knowledge and Skills to be a Fund Manager

It takes More than Knowledge and Skills to be a Fund Manager To be a Fund Manager managing billions of investments is no easy feat.  In...

6 Different Ways to Start the Day If You Are Managing Investments

6 Different Ways to Start the Day If You Are Managing Investments How often do you get to the office, and start looking through all...

List of Sovereign Wealth Funds 2016

List of Sovereign Wealth Funds 2016 Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) had been taking global center stage in investments since 2008 Global Financial Crisis, taking a...

What is the Value of Fund Managers for Wealth Managers?

What is the Value of Fund Managers for Wealth Managers? Wealth Managers expect Fund Managers to perform better than the market.  But this doesn't seem...